Tom Krazit

Tom Krazit

Tom Krazit has covered the technology industry for over 20 years, focused on enterprise technology during the rise of cloud computing over the last ten years at Gigaom, Structure and Protocol.

310 articles (Page 19)
A representation of how vector databases work. Content is fed into an embedding model, which generative vectors that are s

Why vector databases are the engine of the AI era

Behind every breakthrough in enterprise technology over the past few decades you'll find a database. This year, as engineering managers and CIOs are being asked to articulate a generative AI strategy in the middle of a hype cycle for the ages, the vector database is having its coming-out party.

How the U.K. could shake up the cloud

How the U.K. could shake up the cloud

Today: Runtime read the 254-page Ofcom report on cloud computing competition so you don't have to, Microsoft's GitHub is losing a lot of money serving up code suggestions, and the latest funding for enterprise tech startups.

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